Kissed by the Moonlight

Medium: Pastels on Pastelmat
Size: 15.5″ x 12″ (unframed)
Year of Creation: 2022
Availability: Available

Kissed by the Moonlight is part of my Waterworks series.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping under the light of the moon? Have you ever been caressed by the moonlight as drops of water trickled down on your face and neck? What can be more sensual, more poetic? I can think of a few others, but this certainly is on the top of my list.

What on Earth is a Pastel?

Pastel as an artistic medium is pure pigment dust held together by a transparent binder and formed in a stick or encased in a pencil. Pastel works age beautifully, their brilliant colour does not fade with the passing of time.

This artwork was created with pastel pencils on Clairefontaine Pastelmat®, a paper card specially created for pastel paintings. The pastel pigments bind greatly with the Pastelmat, and no fixative is needed to secure the applied layers. However, pastel works should never be directly touched. They are best kept under a matted, glass-protected frame and away from high humidity, direct sunlight, or extreme heat.